I feel so alone.


Hey everyone, before I get started I’ll give a little back story.

I’m 22 years old and currently in a new relationship. I live with my mother and have two best friends. I love each of these four individuals very much as people. But they’re not the most supportive, honestly my boyfriend seems to be the most supportive. I come from a heavy background of trauma and abuse. I don’t work, and cannot work at this point and don’t know when I will be able to.

Anyways to get to my point I’m diagnosed with PTSD and Bipolar Type 1, my only sense of relief is when I see my therapist, which lately has gone from once a week to every other week or every two weeks depending on my ability to leave the house. I love my mother dearly and admire her, especially for working in mental health for 5 years now. My mom knows about my diagnosis but she cannot emotionally support me, she is “a mother who cannot love”. Not a lot of people seem to understand me. And I truly feel like I have no support or anyone to talk to. This is longer than I intended it to be but I’m at a loss. My life has been such a mess these last couple of years and everything is weighing down on me. Bomb after bomb being dropped on me. First being denied to join the Marines because my mom contacted my recruiter and made him aware of my PTSD diagnosis. Second, my miscarriage in 2015 that I went through completely alone. Third, being diagnosed with PCOS and endometriosis AND given the news of my infertility, fourth my diagnosis of bipolar disorder while being 5150ed and hospitalized a year ago, then my grandma passed away this last April and then I was rediagnosed with BPD type 1. I can’t handle it all and feel so left in the dark. I feel like I’m losing my sanity. Anyways, anyone want to be my friend?