My IUI journey has officially begun!


Little background... I'm 42/SO 43. No children yet. In June 2017 we got a big suprise BFP, but sadly lost little love at 8 wks in July. So that started our TTC journey. We've done OPKs, preseed. Sadly chemical in April 2018 when I thought this is it!!! So we went to a specialist for help. Started with an HSG, ouch!! Then tried Clomid for 2 cycles supported w progesterone. No luck. SO had his analysis and all is looking good there!

So my doctor wants to help us achieve a healthy pregnancy asap so next step is medicated <a href="">IUI</a>... why not, my insurance JUST started (everything else so far was out of pocket, ouch again) and my insurance is covering the medication and procedure so let's do it!!!

Yesterday was CD1!!!! Today they sent me for my blood draw to check my estradiol. Waiting for my nurse to call. Starting Gonal-F injections tomorrow, CD3. I'm nervous and excited.

We are ready for our family. My nurse stressed how important it is to keep a positive outlook, we WILL get pregnant. I'm already looking forward to the trigger, actual <a href="">IUI</a> and that longggggggggggg TWW.

I need strength and prayers!!! This WILL happen!!!!

Lovely ladies, share similar stories or similar cycle plans??

Baby Dust!!!!