Hsg test after successful Ivf..


So I had gone through

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

in 2016 after I had an hsg test done in 2015 that came out the first time my left was blocked, the second home it wasn’t and my right was, then they both were 🤷🏼‍♀️ he also mentioned I may have a polyp in there that was preventing him from getting the catheter in my cervix and staying in place.. I laid on the table for about an hour and half each test.. in excruciating pain.. I then was referee to a fertility center where I had a sonogram test done, like an hsg but with saline to look for polyps.. I did have a polyp on my cervix, i had it removed, and we went right into

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

, I had 25 eggs retrieved 14 fertilized, 6 frozen.. I had a fet and it failed, we then went on for a second one and I have my baby boy who is now 15 months! I also have pcos, I still do not ovulate because i am breastfeeding, but I am having another hsg test done Thursday for a second opinion or hopes that somethng has changed.. after my polyp removal we never tried naturally, we went straight to

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

.. has anyone had an hsg after

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

and had a successful pregnancy naturally.. sorry for the long post!