Breaks my heart every day...


I had a MC beginning of September and soon as I started bleeding i wanted us to try again...and we did. I prepared for the first time ever - got OPKs, a BBT thermometer, downloaded glow, got pregnancy tests in bulk and BD on all of the right days. Something was telling me that it was going to happen asap.

But here i am at 9dpo, with pretty much no symptoms and a negative test...i was so sure i was going to see a second line because i just knew i was pregnant but i was lying to myself all along. Its crazy what your mind does to you when you want something really badly.

Ive always wanted to have children but never actually ‘tried’ and once it happened for my husband and i and we lost it, it just made us realise how badly we actually want this.

Now i am back in bed after testing, feeling stupid for making myself believe that it was going to happen this quickly.