4 freakin' days...scared, but so excited.

Ashley • 27.virgo; introvert 😶 married since 7.15.17 ___together since 7.15.11 --ftm;it's a girl!🤰🤗😍**09/28/18! ••••Gracelynn Eloise;my heart baby. ❤️ animal_lover ⛱️🌊☀️

In four days I'm going to be induced!! When I found out I was so excited and now with it only being 4 days away I'm freaking out a little. I'm a FTM and have no idea what to expect. Ive been present for two births so I know the jist of it is, but I know watching and actually doing it is completely different. I am beyond excited to meet my little girl, but nervous for what labor will bring. Im nervous what my little girl's heart defect will bring. After dealing with so much stress during this pregnancy all I want is no complications and to come home with my Gracelynn after a couple days. I really just want her to be okay.