What do I tell him? Update

Ok sooo I started talking to this guy because basically we were both horny. I sent him some stuff and he sent me some stuff (no face involved) (he also doesn’t even know my real name but he doesn’t know that) and we got off blah blah blah. But we continued to just causally talk and now he’s like “in love” with me. Talking about if we were in a relationship, how beautiful and amazing I am, keeps asking if we can call or meet up (we live 5 hours apart) but idk what to say. I want to just keep this casual. I don’t actually know this guy and I’m just not looking for a relationship. I told him about my daughter hoping that would make him change his mind but he doesn’t care I have her. He feels the same. Which ig means he’s a good guy but I just don’t want to be with him like that. What should I do? What do I tell him without being mean/rude? Am I a horrible person?? 😞


Ok this is what I said and his response

Do you think he got the point?? (thank you ladies for your help)