“Don’t diet, but watch your sugars.”

I’m currently 32 weeks and 3 days. Yesterday I had a growth sonogram and our boy is measuring 2 weeks and 4 days ahead. He is also already 6lbs and overall in the 92nd percentile. His head is 98%. Amniotic fluid was good.

Today I had my check up. Just a regular OB visit and they agreed that our boy is big but because I already pushed out a 7lb 5oz baby, that it should be fine to deliver naturally. As long as he doesn’t get to much bigger.

They want me to cut out any high natural sugars and refined sugars. Then come back at 36 weeks to do a last growth sonogram and see if plans need to change. They also said I’ve gained “too much” weight already. They said for my BMI, I should have only gained 25-35 pounds and I’ve gained 39. They don’t want me dieting but they also don’t want me gaining anymore. She said I should be gaining half a pound to a pound every week now, and that’s when she pushed again the cut back on sugars.

I’m going to listen to the midwives. I just don’t get why my baby is so big. I passed my first one hour sugar test. Didn’t need to do another. My diets the same, if not better than my first pregnancy, and I don’t understand why it’s making our boy so big.

I was mostly ranting but any advice/input would be nice. Thank you 🙏🏻