Things you SHOULD know while trying to conceive.

1. This is an app. It is not going to tell you exactly when you drop an egg. There are ovulation kits that help you with narrowing that down.

2. If you can't afford to buy a pregnancy test, then you shouldn't be asking us ways to help you get pregnant.

3. If you are 200 days late for your period don't ask us if we think you're pregnant or if something is wrong. Lol go to your doctor and find out.

4. Please realize that our bodies are all different. Just bc "Susie" got a bpf at 6dpo doesn't mean that you will. You still have a chance until your period shows up.

5. If you ovulated yesterday, you're not going to get a BFP today. It actually takes time. 🙈🙈🙈