Advice on flu shots for family


My baby is due on October 31st right at the beginning of flu season. I can't stay home and skip out on the holidays this year because that's just not how my family works. I got the Tdap shot and the flu shot, my fiance can't get the Tdap shot because he doesn't have health insurance but he is getting the flu shot at work. I know my mother is up-to-date on her Tdap and flu shots, but as for the rest of my family and my fiance's family I don't think any of them have gotten either shot. My family is very sensitive and very judgemental so how do I go about telling everybody that they can't hold my newborn son unless they have at least their flu shot? As far as I know everybody in my family has health insurance I have no idea about my fiance's family. For the kids it's easy to just do the look but don't touch method, but for the adults everybody seems to think that they have a right to hold my baby. I'm fine with people holding him I just want them to have their shots.

The most annoying thing so far is that my mom seems to think she has some claim on my son saying that he will always be at her house and she's always always going to have him when in reality I don't want him there at all because she has fleas and her house is a complete mess all the time, but I can't tell her that because she's my mother and she's extremely sensitive.

But if anybody has any advice on how to go about the flu shots that would be great thanks in advance