Preparing for pregnancy...


I am currently starting a one year plan to prepare my body for pregnancy... I have currently lost 16lbs, I have about 50-60lbs more to go to be truly healthy in my eyes. I have been working on my thyroid condition and trying to be gluten free. I just got my doctor to prescribe me prenatal vitamins for the next year along with some other medicine she prescribed called metanx....

I am hoping all of this will make my body baby ready by next fall or summer if I am lucky!

Let me know if any of you did this and it helped you to conceive...

My condition is Hashimotos Thyroiditis, my progesterone was low, my thyroglobulin antibodies were thru the roof and all of this ultimately led to my two previous miscarriages...

Which is why I am taking a year to detox and lose weight with the hopes of having a baby next year!