Worrier about the smell of smoke.


I don't know what to do. We are staying with my parents for a week, visiting for our baby shower. It is our first night here and I completely didn't think about being exposed to the smell of smoke before coming.

My mom smokes in her room upstairs and we are sleeping across the hall and all I smell is the stale smoke smell. She doesn't smoke in front of me, but I can smell it in the house, specifically our bedroom.

Now all I can do is lay here terrified I am harming my baby while being here. Should I be worried? Will a few days here cause long term problems?

I don't want to cause a scene or make her feel bad. She has been through alot and smoking is like her main coping skill. I feel like if I bring it up to her that could cause her to regress into worse habits.

Will getting air fresheners be an ok temporary fix?