Build supply?

First my supply was going up and was great then all of a sudden it's hard to produce enough for baby. I take 2 fenugreek 3 times a day, I eat oats, I drink water, and I even got this nasty powder you mix in water that's supposed to help supply as well. I thought it was all working then all of a sudden it's like my milk is diminishing. What else can I do? I plan to make lactation cookies as well, I just have to get ingredients and time.

Also, how do you manage pumping and dealing with baby? He goes to sleep, I put him down and as soon as I go to pump he wakes up and screams til I get him which makes pumping difficult. He won't sleep in anything only somebody's arms and I want to break this before it becomes a habit, he's only just turned 2 weeks so it's not a big deal yet but I'd like to actually be able to get things done.