Over trying 😔

Taylor 💍 • Jeremiah 29:11 🙏🏾I stand on the word www.phoenixavenue.com

*** Mini rant alert *** I’m a only child so I always craved a family and siblings but since I didn’t have any I stuck to my cousins really close up until we all got in our late 20s and I noticed the girls in my family started to get real cliquey and messy. I ignored it for years just to be around them but now I’m really starting to resent my family especially after nobody showed up to my big birthday bash last year after they all said they were coming not to mention they never called or text me to say they weren’t coming but each of them was on Facebook chatting as if my party wasn’t on their mind. To add insult to injury whenever I have a event nobody budges but when it’s one of the clique members event or birthday they have the audacity to ask me numerous times if I’m going 🤷🏾‍♀️ some might say I’m being a baby but it really hurts especially now that I have so many exciting and new things going on in my life and no real friends or family to celebrate with. It’s not fair I’m always there for others but can’t never have anyone be there for me.