Am I being an irrational girlfriend?

My boyfriend of seven months just decided to tell me he was going with one of his friends to our homecoming dance TONIGHT (platonically). We have been discussing for mooooonths homecoming and we both made it VERY clear that neither of us had wanted to go. Imagine how pissed off I was!

Not only had I told him constantly in the past that I would go with him if it’s what he actually wanted but he claims that since I told him that I was busy this weekend doing homework so I couldn’t hang out with him that I’m being unreasonable for being angry!

I’d fucking love to see him pull this bullshit for my birthday in two weeks.

Does anyone else get why I’m pissed or do I seem like that batshit girlfriend?

For reference we’re both juniors in high school and I also wont be using this against him. I just need peace of mind.

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