*trigger warning*

so almost 2 months ago, i lost my virginity and was raped. i am 14 almost 15, and the guy was 20. i was very distraught about it and still am, but i’m getting better. and a little over a month ago, i started dating my best friend of 2 years. we have had things and almost dated in the past, but it never worked out. but finally, i think it’s the right time for us. i always see things like “if 2 people are meant to be together, eventually they’ll find their way back.” and i know many people will say that people my age don’t know what love is or they shouldn’t even be together, but we do love each other. my boyfriend/best friend has been with me through everything, thick and thin the past 2 years. we tell each other everything and trust each other 100%. and for a while i was pushing sex off because of what happened and i wasn’t ready, and he’s respected it and will always talk to me and comfort me about what happened. but now i think i am finally ready, and don’t worry y’all i’m on birth control and we will use condoms, always be safe kids. but yeah, i just wanted to tell a little story. i’m so happy to be getting better from what happened, it literally broke me. but my boyfriend has been helping me bring myself back up every step of the way, and i love him so much for it. i doubt anyone will read this, but if you do, thank you for reading :)