9 weeks pregnant and still smoke (about) 10a day


Hi all!

Im 9 weeks pregnant today.

Found out im pregnant when i was 8w 2d....

Im a heavy smoker and literally smoked like 15-20 a day all the way through my first 8 weeks pregnancy....

I know its horrible as it is.

Tried to quit or even cut down after I did 4 pregnancy test (all positive).

Still failing up to today.

Its 7.30am (been up from 5am) and had 2 cigs already.

Ive noticed that cigs tastes disgusting since few weeks ago, even before i know im pregnant.

But when the craving kicks in, im super weak and quickly lit one up.

Most times i dont finish the whole cig and got really sick after (threw up followed by a light headed feeling).

Sadly, i crave for a cig more when i feel nausea which is weird?

Has anyone gone through the same here and when is the "limit" to really not smoke at all?

I have a horrible feeling that its "too late" to quit smoking now or is it really such a thing? :(

I will greatly appreciated to hear anyones feedback and/or everyones stories how they go through this?

Many thanks,