Graphic Birth Pics and birth story ❤️


My second son was born on 9/28. My mother in law took some pictures of his delivery for me. I love them but definitely not something I can share on Facebook so I figured I would share them here 😜

I had been having contractions since 30 weeks so I was on terbutaline until I hit 36 weeks. To keep me from going into labor. When I stopped the terb I had consistent contractions all the time but they were not turning into active labor. I got to the point where I just kinda ignored the contractions and figured I would go to the hospital when I was in serious pain.

I was having contractions that were semi painful but not really in a steady pattern. They started getting to a point where I couldn’t talk through them so I told my husband to get our 1 year old in the car and I felt like I needed to get checked out. We didn’t grab my hospital bag or anything bc we honestly kinda figured I would get sent home.

We live in a very rural area the hospital runs 2-3 nurses at night those nurses handle ER, Med Surg, and L&D. The provider is not on sight they call them from their homes to come in when needed.

We drop our son off with my in laws and get to the hospital. The nurse brings me a wheel chair and takes me to the room. As I stand up to get into the bed I feel the urge to push. I tell the nurse and she grabs her phone and calls the only other nurse working that night who just so happens to be in with two ERs. The other nurse said she was in the middle of stitching someone up with the doctor so my nurse goes “ I need you both now in l&D run!” (The nurse that I was with was not a ob nurse so she was panicked. The other nurse and ER doctor come running into the room the doctor puts a glove on quick and checks me. Im fully dilated sacks bulging baby is coming! she yells at the nurses to hurry and get ready for a baby. The doctor tells me to please wait to push until they get everything ready. They all frantically break the bed down, get the warmer, start my iv, call respiratory in, etc. the doctor finally tells me I can start pushing. I had him so fast it was amazing!

There was no time for any medications.

7:30 contractions were uncomfortable

10:00 got to hospital

10:15 doctor checked me and was ready to push

10:22 water broke spontaneously

10:23 began pushing

10:29 baby born