Have u ever taken back someone so many times??

If so what happen, did they change? & i dont really mean cheating although if that was your situation u can also share. But i also mean like if someone had a addiction of something maybe drinking or smoking, maybe someone like your husband or bf or kids father couldnt hold a job or someone who kept messing up and you guys kept breaking up but eventually got back together? Im in a situation where i dont know if it will ever work out. My family are tired of it and i feel like parents are resenting me. They help me with my kids every time he screws up and i understand them being mad at me but i dont want to give up on him. Maybe i am wasting my time n ill just get hurt in the end. Im not with him cus hes the father of my kids i really do love him. I know he has not cheated on me our problems involve other things its just too much to explain. Any advice or stories?