Depo screwed me up!

Desiree • Ttc baby #1 after a miscarriage back in October 2013.
Alright ladies, I strongly believe being on the depo shot screwed my body up! I was on the shot for a couple years throughout high school. During those couple years I didn't have a period at all, which at the time I thought was nice not realizing it wasn't good for my body. By the end of those years I had a period constantly for a couple months so my doctor took me off and put me on the pill instead. The pill made me so sick at the beginning of every month so after a couple months I stopped and completely went off of all bc. The first year I was off bc I had a period every two weeks! Once I started having a normal cycle I got pregnant but sadly it ended in a miscarriage at 12 weeks. The miscarriage happened in October 2013 and since then I have not been able to get pregnant again. Even though my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage I am thankful I know that I am able to get pregnant because for awhile I really didn't think I was going to be able to.