Losing my husband to technology


I’m not questioning what he’s looking at or who he’s talking to. I know he looks at memes, watched Facebook videos, reads articles on google, etc. I know after a long day of work he wants to unwind and relax on his phone which I respect.

Sometimes I would like him to spend time with just me without the distraction of the phone. I love my husband to death but I feel like I’m losing him to technology it’s annoying. He watched videos from the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed (minus work in between). I’ve talked to him about it but he doesn’t think it’s a problem. If he’s not on his phone he’s playing video games. I’m 7 months pregnant and I would really love for us to give each other more attention before the baby comes and we have even less time for each other.

I’m not saying I want him to put the phone away all together I just want to spend some time with just my husband and have a nice conversation. (He even uses it during dinner time 😐) I don’t know what to do at this point.