Kidney problems(kinda long if you want the question it’s at the end)

Jessica • First time mom raising a gentleman❤️❤️

I figure I’d give a little of a backstory. My husband has had kidney stones and small ureters since he was 5 years old. His kidney stones need to be taken out because they always get stuck if he attempts to pass them on his own. Right now he has a kidney stone so low the doctors thought he would pass it(2 or 4 mm I don’t remember) but he hasn’t yet. He has a kidney infection as well and he was puking a week before this last Saturday went to the Er and found all this out sent home with antibiotics but the infection grew over those and they tried calling my husband but his voicemail was full so they had to send him a letter to call and the triage nurse said to go back to the Er for his symptoms and he was given what was implied the last thing they could give him which was originally an I.v. Antibiotic but doctor got a pill form for it. My husband had worked that day(felt better but starting to feel sick again) so he was exaughsted(truck driver and woke up super early and went to the Er that evening(this last Saturday) after he called) they explained aftercare while I was there because we had trouble waking my husband up but we went to the car and remembered we forgot his pills so I pulled up to the door and sat in car with baby while he went back inside. So fast forward to last night sister in law calls and says boyfriend is being an ass so she asked to stay with us the next day(today) and while I’m cleaning I notice a post it note on the receipt for the pills to stop taking his anxiety meds which he has not done which if the doctor told him while I was in the car he wouldn’t have remembered because he was so tired. So I hid his pills in case I forgot to tell him he can’t take them(he goes to bed about 5-6 and wakes up between 12am-3am and was already in bed at this point. I was cleaning for him because he wasn’t feeling good last night) so today he was riding with a coworker and he just texted me that he’s throwing up again and I tried to offer to pick him up but he’s going to try to make it home since it’s an hour drive(which is why I didn’t want him to be driving but he’s so stubborn)

What would happen if they can’t get his infection to go away even if they take out the stone?