Possibly told wrong gender???

Anna • 👰🏼🤵🏻8.3.13 👧🏼11.10.15 👼🏼5.28.17 🌈👶🏼🌈👶🏼 due 3.2019

Oh my gosh. This twin business is such a roller coaster. We found out at 9 weeks we were having twins from my midwife. Scheduled an appt with the OB at 14 weeks that has a lot of experience with twins (closest MFM is 1.5 hrs away and only really seen for emergencies or if I insist). We were told at that appointment that they were mo/di identical, but wanted to wait a little longer to find out gender. We just had our appt yesterday at 18 weeks. We waited to find out the gender at home instead of at the office but when we found out at home.... not identical- girl and a boy. But now I’m looking at the boy u/s and I’m second guessing! It took a while for the Dr to confirm. That baby was being super stubborn and the picture ended up being a little blurry cause baby was moving around so much. It just looks like a scrotum to me, which could be swollen labia??? Thoughts??