

So I have PCOA and ever since I can remember my periods have always been out of whack. I just had my period 13-22 of Sept which on the 14 & 15 I had ZERO bleeding. I don't have any biological children of my own so I wouldn't know what really to look for when it comes to pregnancy. I've had many "could have beens" I guess you could say were I thought I could have possibly been. Anyways, I've been spotting these last 2 days with SEVERE back pain (almost to a point where I can't walk), and it literally is only enough to see when I wipe it's pinkish and not enough to wear anything more than a panty liner if even that. I wasn't due to start again until around the 13th of next month give or lately since about December they kinda regulated out. Sometimes I'd bleed for a week others about 2 question is, should I worry? Is my body going crazy again? 🤔