Feels like period is coming?

Holly • Wife to an amazing husband 🧔🏻 Mama to two sweet and spunky little boys 👦🏼👶🏼💙

I’m 34+1 and the only way I can describe how I feel is literally like my period is about to start any second. It’s the strangest thing. I’ve been overly exhausted the past week, but especially the last few days.. and he seems to be hanging out much lower because my waddle has reached an all time high. I’ve had dull lower backache and mild period like cramps on and off the last two days, nothing timeable of course. This is my second and I don’t recall feeling like this with my first at all.

Anyone else feel this way? I seriously hope this does not continue for another 6 weeks 😩 I never hit that classic point of “misery” with my older son, I felt great all the way up til!