Empty sac or wrong due date?

Heather • 🤰🏼👶🏼 Expecting baby #1 05/19!

Hello, I am wondering if someone has ever been through something similar to me! I have never tracked my periods before, so I am not positive on my LMC. I had an estimated date which put me at 7+1. I had my first ultrasound today & all we saw was an empty sac. I was devastated & crying as the ultrasound tech told me she couldn’t say much. My doctor called me & said I am measuring at 5+4. I got blood work today & am getting more blood work Thursday and another ultrasound in a week! He said we should be able to see a fetal pole next week. Has this ever happened to anyone? I was so upset & am still a little scared but am hoping this sounds like a little better news?

If you have been through something similar, what was the outcome of the empty sac? Earlier than thought or miscarriage?