Birth control pills


Hi! I usually don’t post any medical related stuff to this app, but I am really needing help. Recently, my gynecologist explained to me that my acne and excessive body hair is due to the polycistic ovarian syndrome (which is actually no big deal, very common). She prescribed to me some birth controll pills called Diane, which are nowadays used mainly for acne treament (more than birth control. I am aware of the fact that I should wait for the first day of my menstruation in order to take the pill, but that would be in a month and I am very desperate to treat my acne the fastest I can as I am starting college at the end of the month. I know that as I didn’t took it the first day, I can’t use the pill as a birth control method, but only as a acne treatment. My question is, if after this first month my acne has gotten better, and I would like to use the pill as a birth control pill, what should I do? Should I wait some time? Should I suspend the pill a week before my menstruation in order to start a brand new cycle the first day? Should I wait the normal 7 days after I finish the pills box? I am sorry for all the questions, but I am really confused between the use of the pill birth control method or as an acne treatment, and this is not something I can ask my gynecologist because my mom is always by my side when I go to my medical visits! Thank you very much