Sexual assault

I was at my friends house, there was 3 girls and 2 boys, we were all watching movies on the lounge but the room was massive so the lounge was in a massive U shape and me and one of my close guy friends were in the middle of the U, we have blankets on and my leg was rested over his, next thing you know I feel him rubbing on my pussy though my pants and I squirmed alittle because I didn’t want to make a massive scene because that’s so embarrassing, I looked up at him and he laughed and stopped so I left it, I felt so uncomfortable so I got up and moved spots acting like I just wanted to be next to one of the girls, I’m just chilling and than I end up back next to him after playing a game where this time he does it again and I completely freeze. After about 5 mins he stops and I send him a massive message telling him I don’t want that and I don’t want to be friends

Does this count as sexual assault or is this my own fault? I’m not saying that to get sympathy but I genuinely don’t know and I feel really violated