Should I stop my partner from doing this?

I’m 18 and my partner is 20. We met through mutual friends and developed an intense sexual friendship. Every time we have sex we use a condom. What I’ve been noticing is that he slips the condom up a little bit during sex (so the bottom of his penis is uncovered). Usually when we have sex he makes me “go down” (basically so he can feel me raw without getting any cum in me). However I’ve been a little cautious that this isn’t always effective & that I still may be getting some of his semen into me (during sex with the condom pulled halfway up). I’ve been off birth control for 2 weeks (I was taking a Combo Pill) and I had sex Sunday (with the condom half pulled up). If we use condoms like this will I be at risk for pregnancy? Should I ask him to stop doing this?