Sex and relationship

It’s been 2 months since I gave birth to my daughter. My bf & I haven’t had sex for 3 months. But I do give him pleasure when he’s feeling it. That’s the only way I could do it since I’m still spotting up to this day. He hates have sex when blood is present.

But tonight we both felt like wanting to do it. Though is way of approaching the mood was beyond my expectation. After work, he went to have a couple of drinks with his co-workers. Came home and wanted to bake some home made chips with me. But the entire time during the cook-out, he’s been blaming me for doing such a shetty job and that he bake a better batch than I did. I have a full list of ingredients listed down; along with instructions to which I followed, and he has the audacity to say I’m doing such a shetty job? I let him take over afterwards and ignored him the whole night. He finishes and cleans up, come to the room only to have him spoon & dry hump me. I wasn’t feeling it, he didn’t even say sorry. He even threw away most of what I baked and I’m pissed. Like he wants to be intimate but treats me like this? Erghhh🤬🤬🤬🤬 What should I do now? I’m so confused, agitated, hurt? Should I go counseling? I don’t want our relationship affecting our children. We’re still so young in our early 20’s and we’re still learning !!! 😭 But I’m not sure what to do....