Paced feeding- falling asleep


Our daughter is 5 1/2 weeks and has just started showing signs of silent reflux- crying during feedings, planking, choking/gagging. We just started paced feeding to see if that would help and she doesn’t eat much (1/2 -1oz) and then falls asleep.

When we gave her a bottle before, she would eat 3-4oz. It’s like working harder to get the milk is wearing her out. Might be worth mentioning that she has a VERY slight lip and tongue tie. So slight that the doc doesn’t recommend fixing it- but her latch is bad and she used to get very frustrated and tired at the breast. We switched to bottles so that she would eat enough, but now with paced feeding I’m worried we’re back in the same place. Anyone else have a sleepy baby with paced feeding? It does seem to help with the reflux issues. She cries WAY less during feedings and doesn’t plank as much either.

Any advice for this FTM would be great thank you!