I’m a low life

Star • 💕positive vibes 👯‍♀️women empowerment 🙋🏽‍♀️looking for uplifting friends 😜

My anxiety is through the roof. I’m having a lot of panic attacks and irritability. I’ve been in college since 2015 and I’m not even close to graduating. I’m a junior in college now. I’m TRYING to study education.

I have to take the GACE entrance exam before November to get in the education program next semester to graduate 2020. I’ve told everybody I’m FREAKIN done with college in 2020. I’m dropping out after that, I will not do it anymore, I’m extremely tired, after 2020 it’s been way too long. I have to do two years in the program. my GPA have to be 3.0 to get in as well. I’m have a 2.5 and haven’t took the GACE. I took it last year and failed all the parts. I am discouraged at this point. I feel like I will never pass the GACE or graduate, I feel like I wasted my whole life in school and what the hell is my purpose in life. I thought I had a passion for teaching kids succeed in life but I can’t succeed my damn self. I’m also discouraged because I barely graduated high school based on failing the standardized tests. I don’t do well with BIG test/important test. I have bad anxiety and panic attacks thinking about taking the GACE. I know I’m not going to pass. I don’t want to do anything else but teach.