Husband dosnt like foreplay

Warning kind of long.

Okay. So my husband works 13 plus hours 6 days a week. Comes home and gets on his xbox. And that's it. I cook clean shop and care for our 2 kids, a 2 year old and our new baby, shes a month old. My doctor gave me the ok to start having sex again because I didnt tear bad and I stopped bleeding. Well even before having the baby. He just wants to jump right in to sex. Even if I'm not in the mood yet. He just ends up complaining that he has to use lube and that I'm not "attracted" to him. Which isnt the case at all I am. Just if I'm not in the mood I cant help that. And I'm now breastfeeding, which causes dryness for me... and I've tried telling him how foreplay would help get me in the mood and it would make things more fun for us both, and he just acts like its extra work. . Like I cant even get quality time with him, let alone take a piss alone because I'm so busy, the last thing on my mind is sex, but my husbands been asking for it and I told him no until he wants to be more considerate. Like even if he wants to skip the foreplay. STOP COMPLAINING THAT YOU HAVE TO USE LUBE THEN. And how about putting the xbox controller down and spending time with me. Other than trying to have sex. That's the only time I have his attention anymore. I hate it. . I've tried telling him I feel like he only wants anything to do with me when he wants six and he just gets mad.

What else can I do to try and talk about this. . I'm big on communication but I'm at my wits end