Hubby’s Ego Bruised RANT

Ashley • 👧🏽🧑🏽

Running out of patience... DH along with 3 of his coworkers applied for a higher position within their company. To me, he made it sound like he was their golden boy... job was made for him. Friday he learned he didn’t get the job. I was heartbroken for him. He just seemed so broken and discouraged. He tells me he doesn’t feel going into work... doesn’t want to see people... obviously he’s embarrassed. No one thought he wouldn’t get the job and now he doesn’t feel good enough. He has decided to work Saturdays now, to avoid being around his coworkers. Who cares if just leaves you with just one family day... Luckily, our insurance is with his job or I genuinely feel like he would have quit. His job is offering to send him to training in another state (his opinion to soothe the situation). I guess he acted unprofessionally when he learned he didn’t get the job. He had to have a meeting with the VP of his company. Side note- I said go ahead attend this training 10 days before my due date, I’ll be fine, I know it’s important. Trying to be supportive.

He has already told me come January, he will have a new job lined up with a different company. We are switching our insurance to my job. There is absolutely no job that would match his current salary. He is an emotional shopper. Today, took his car in for some basic maintenance work. I had to stop him from trading in his car! I quote “it felt good to be in control of something”. I am about to tell him to suck it up. After my maternity leave, we will be paying 550$ weekly in childcare. Which after insurance and taxes being taking out is all of my check; leaving us with just his paychecks for our mortgage and everything else. He literally just texted me asked if he could buy a pair of shoes. My response, “You know how much money we have in the bank, you know when pay day is, I am not your mom... you know?” (We have 115$ until payday Friday). I am trying but I am running so low on pep talks. I just had to rant. It’s only been 6 days!