
i just need to vent... i just found out today that my abusive/stalker ex-boyfriend of 2.5 years works in a building right behind me. he sexually abused me, verbally, emotionally, and came close enough to physically abusing me on more occasions than i can count. he’s the reason i have panic attacks, and major anxiety and depression. he stalked me forever after i left him. he controlled my whole life.

it’s been over 2 years since i left him and i’ve not gotten better. i always feel like i’m gonna run into him when i leave my house. I’m scared to go anywhere by myself. i have a hard time looking people, especially men in the eye and talking to them. i have a panic attack every time i see a car similar to his. i can’t drive near or through the city he lives in without being majorly panicked. i can’t go to certain places because i’m scared i’ll see him.

a year ago he told a mutual friend he wished i would die and would love if i’d drop dead.

he’s made so many death threats towards me when we were together and it scares me that he might do something still yet.

even after i cut him off and blocked him on everything he still found out where i worked ( even though i never posted it anywhere ). he always finds where i am. i’m so scared and having such major panic and anxiety right now and i will forever now because i work right in front of his work.