Advice please

My boyfriend is trying to get me pregnant I’m unsure but more on the edge of no. I have told him No until i change my mind otherwise but he is not listening and now i feel a little than less after sex because he lets the condom come off or removes it he also will hold me in a position regardless if it’s painful for me (I’ve passed out before and came to he was still going) and he says things when I’m those types of positions when i say i can’t he’s told me with my knees pent by my face that He did not care he was going to keep going until he was done and i could not move he’s 6’3 (240lb) and I’m 5’3 (145lb) and i don’t know what to do b/c he said it’s not rape and then proceeded to show me NC consent laws the following day when i kept asking why he hurts me like that. I thought he was going to rape me one night he came back drunk and we were playing at first but he pinned me down and held me their for a very long time like he was debating on it and i was so anxious and trying to move. IDK what to do I’m a state away at school and he won’t leave me alone he always says I’m meant for him and wanting to know every guy that speaks