FTM. 38 weeks and 3 days prego


I really need some advice lol. So I took Castor oil at 8:30 last night To induce labor (please no negative comments) 🙂 and had the poops an hour later and then took a shower and had sex with my husband 🤭 and I started having contractions around 10pm but they were tolerable. Fell asleep at 12am and then woke up at 1:30am to horrible contractions to where I could not move I was curled up in a ball until 3 or 4. And the contractions were definitely timbale happening every 5-10 min lasting 2 min long. I fell asleep again and woke up at 9am to nothing😐 well 12pm earlier I started getting contractions again and they are still going on at almost 7pm. They are definitely tolerable but I am kinda scared bc my stomach is sagging ALOT and baby girl hasn’t been moving as much and when she does its very faint. Should I call labor and delivery??