Do you ladies let your partner watch porn?


Before I got together with my boyfriend, porn was all he had. He had never had a girlfriend before, but now anytime he wants anything sexual all he has to do is ask or initiate. I have said no only 1 time in our 9 months together. Recently I've communicated my feelings on him watching it so much and that it makes me feel useless, that I not important, and I feel unattractive to him. Well, I've checked his phone every night to see he has watched 3+ different videos for about a week now, while I'm out busting my ass at work; 6 days straight with no breaks, nevertheless. So, lately I have felt ugly, useless, sad, and worthless. *(But, I feel those ways because my period is coming soon.)*

Tips, help, advice?? Please!

P.S. - I know, shame on me for looking through his phone, but that's why he let me put my fingerprint on there🤷‍♀️

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