Does anyone else seem to have more anxiety since becoming pregnant?

(Long post)

I’ve always had a small amount of anxiety over certain things like driving to new places or calling people and making appointments. I finally learned how to manage these things and was not having much of a problem with my anxiety. I am now just over 8 weeks pregnant and I find myself being so upset thinking someone has snuck into my house at night or is breaking in. Every little sound wakes me up and I sit and analyze it for hours. Every time I come home and every night I search through every room and every closet I guess for a murderer or something. Now since I’m pregnant my doctor has told me not to take anything to help me sleep. So I’m always awake and listening to sounds making up where they might be coming from. Also when I am asleep I have crazy dreams (like my husband murdering me) and I freak out, can’t go back to sleep and can’t control my heart rate. As for my driving anxiety it has gotten worse in the way that I have a melt down driving to places I have been before like our local college or a grocery store I usually don’t go to but know how to get there easily. I also live in a very small town so it’s not like I’m crossing interstates to get to the places; just regular two and four lane roads.

I know there’s probably not a medicine I can take for this while being pregnant. But I need some coping ideas. I’ve got enough stress without this and I’m afraid I will stress too much and hurt the baby.

Any ideas???

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