2nd Egg Retrieval - better results for 2nd?

Alison • 1st pregnancy twins due Dec’ 19👶🏻👶🏻IVF Fresh transfer 2x, IVF cycle 2 March ‘19 Barbados BFC 🙏🏻🤞🏻, failed IVF 1 and 3 IUI’s in ‘18, immune issues, fur mama to 2 dogs 💕

Our first egg retrieval didn’t go as well as planned. 16 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized (1 w/2 sperm), 10 made it to day 5, 2 made it to blastocyst. 1 was normal. We’re unexplained. I stimmed 4 extra days and had increase in meds at the end (Gonal-f, menopur, follistim, pregnyl). Afraid we over stimmed and also that we were on the wrong protocol. I’m 32 (eggs taken at 31), hubby 34. Our RE suggested moving straight to transfer due to my age and the continual improvements in this are. Any 1 have more than 1 retrieval? I’d love to hear your stories and any advice you want to throw my way!