My Christmas Baby 💙


Ive been reading all of these stories so I wanted to share mine as i never did after I gave birth. My pregnancy was fairly easy. I found out i was expecting at about 4 weeks along and about a week later I had spotting and went to the emergency room and everything was fine I found out i was RH negative so they gave me my shot and explained how id have to have it again after giving birth and so on.. I had typical morning sickness for my first trimester and towards the end one day I took a shower and got out and the next thing i knew I was getting up off of the floor so i shouted for my step mom. Luckily she had just gotten home bc no one else was, she came in and as soon as i tried to say sonethong to her I passed out again in her arms, i wake up on the floor and my 4 yr old sister was crouched down in front of me asking if I'm okay so i get up and ask her for water and of course she gets me some and i start to feel better but the ambulance was already on the way, the firefighters get there take my vitals and think I had a major anxiety attack (im like wtf bc ive never had one before) so they take me in so we can check the baby and everything is fine. The rest of my pregnancy was smooth other than being way uncomfortable from being so big and going thru a bit of a depressed stage.. So fast forward to my 37wk check up and everything goes smoothly (at this point I'm going every week). Now just a few days later Dec 23rd 8am PST, I wake up to feeling a pop and being wet but I'm not sure if my water broke and wound up going into L&D at about 11:30 they checked me and it wasnt right so they had me wear a pad and walk for an hour to let my self leak a little and they could test that well the strip is supposed to turn blue and it only went green so they sent me home at about 1pm, So my man and I went over to my familys house for the remainder of the day and at about 4 my contractions started so we started timing them. We eventually went home and I took a bath w a THC bath bomb my man had gotten for me for the contractions. I get out everything is cool still having contractions and a little after 1am were already back at L&D bc my contractions were 3-4 min apart. They check and say my water did indeed break and admitted me. They started me on pitocin and at about 4cm I got the epidural. Afterwards my nurse tells me to calm fown bc mine and my sons heart rate were thru the roof. I also developed a fever and the figured out we had sepsis so they immediately start us on antibiotics. A while later the heart rates still werent going down so they had me sign c section paperwork just in case as well as trying to start an iv in my other arm so they could get the antibiotics in our systems faster. I knew that was a bad idea from the start bc ive always had tiny veins and have been thru ordeals of people trying to get an iv or draw blood. Well it didnt work so the burse did her best to get the antibiotics thru the one iv. Our heart rates finally started coming down and now it was just a waiting game. My epidural wore off twice and i got checked at 6 cm and fell asleep (FINALLY) for like an hour and a half. By the time i woke up i told the nirse I had to poop and she was changing my iv bag and i told her it actually feels like his head is out so she checked to make sure and he wasnt so she finished putting a new bag then she checked and i was at 10 cm so she set up the room and said whenever youre ready and I simply said whenever you guys r ans she said the dr was right down the hall so shed be back in 20 mins at 1pm. She was a little late and by the time the dr got there it was 1:15 I started pushing and at 1:44 pm Dec 24th my beautiful first born boy was out with no tearing or episiotomy! Weighing 7 1/2 lbs and 19 in long.

He was jaundice and stayed one night more than me to finish up his antibiotics and we were on our way home! Here he his now at almost 10 months old and healthy as can be my beautiful Robert Jeffrey 💙 (first born)

If u made it this far thanks for reading!