Being induced

*WARNING LONG POST* (but need advice)

Ok I’ll start by saying I do believe that letting you body NATURALLY go into labor is the best thing unless you have a medical condition or a emergency. I’m 37 weeks pregnant with my 2nd baby. My first baby is 2 1/2 years old. I went 41 weeks exactly with him and was scheduled to be induced the day he decided to come on his own (thank goodness). My water broke at 12am March 27th 2016, he was born 7:20 that night weighing 8lbs and 10 I know that’s not a HUGE baby but for my body it was and let me tell you why. I’ll start by telling you all the complications I had during his labor/birth. Around 7cm dilated I spiked a fever of 104 degrees bc I got Chorioamnionitis bc my water was broken for too long. They immediately started the antibiotics and my fever still stayed which meant nothing pain wise was staying in my system so I felt everything. When it came to pushing I could barely breathe. I was a shivering mess bc they stripped my blankets off and had ice packs all over me bc my fever. I pushed for so long until he FINALLY came out. I tore severely & I started hemorrhaging and they couldn’t find out from where right away, then they saw I also was developing a hematoma on my labia caused by him coming out. I went to the OR and barely remember any of what happened. They had to drain it and stitch me up all over. My baby was in the nicu for oxygen and antibiotics bc the chorio. After the operation they kept me on the epidural to help with the pain so I couldn’t walk and see him in the nicu. It wasn’t till 3 days after he was born they finally were able to let me out of bed in a wheel chair to see him. I was in the hospital for a week and received a 3 unit blood transfusion along with potassium in a IV. All the nurses kept saying how they should of done a csection bc his size. It was a very traumatic experience. I have a different doctor this time around bc it’s a different office. From the very beginning my doctor said how towards the end we will monitor her weight and things like that. Yesterday I had my appt and now that we are at the end I brought up my concerns again bc he said my belly was measuring ahead. I kept telling him I’m nervous and scared that she’ll be even bigger bc right now she feels huge. Her movements are PAINFUL. He goes “you’ve already had one big baby you’ll be fine” I was caught way off guard bc it’s like I was a new patient and he didn’t know about my last experience. I said yes but that’s what caused all my complications. He literally says “we have doctors around for all that and if you hemorrhage that’s why we have blood banks all around us” I was in shock. I almost walked out of my appt in tears. I’m anemic and during pregnancy I become severely anemic. I get my blood checked often and my blood levels recently have been decreasing. They’re lower than they would like them to be right now so why would you put me in a situation where I could hemorrhage? Wouldn’t as a doctor you would want to avoid that? I even asked if we could do a ultrasound to get a IDEA of how big she is. He said it’s not necessary. I scheduled my appt next week with a different doctor (I’ve seen him once before and loved him I was going to switch to him before but he was booked for a while). Would it be inappropriate to ask him if there was a possibility I could be induced at 38 weeks?