
Hey guys! I'm 28 and still a virgin. I'm getting married in a few months so I wanted to start the FAM method early to get used to it because I don't want to be pregnant right away and i dont want any foreign contraceptive in my body. Plus I don't want a condom to be part od my first expeeiences with sex. I don't have too much of a problem taking my BBT except that the time I take it isn't always consistent BUT I have a hard time determining my vaginal mucous. Most days i have hardly any at all and it seems it's always creamy but the truth is I wouldnt know either way and I'm so tight I can barely get a single finger in so I don't know if I'm even able to get a decent sample. I get fairly wet when I'm aroused so I'm not sure why it's so hard to see my vaginal mucous. Help me out here. Pictures of what it should look like, is there a way I can make my body produce MORE fluid so I dont have to go fishing, HOW do i go fishing. Any help is welcomed.