Dancing baby!

Jenn • Mother of 2 smart girls and 1 sweet boy, and so happily married!

My rainbow baby is now at ten weeks! I had a Dr appt Tuesday, and they did another ultrasound (I miscarried over Thanksgiving, so I think they've been doing extra checks. But now that we are beyond my previous miscarriage, I doubt they will do so many.) That baby was DANCING! He let me watch it, for a bit...he/she had done flailing arms! The Dr and I could even see little hands!

My babe measured at 9weeks, 6 days with a perfect heart rate. So, now I'm dancing too!

I have a due date of March 3, but since they don't do vbac at this hospital, and I had two high risk deliveries, they will do a c-section, likely in Feb.

Anyone else have a dancing baby?