

I honestly don’t know if I’m just going crazy or if I actually have something wrong with me. My periods have gotten so bad over the years to the point where I dread existing because it hurts so god damn bad. I throw up, I pass out, I can’t do shit on my period because of the pain. I take midol, ibuprofen, etc. nothing helps. I try heat (heating pad and hot baths) and it doesn’t help either. It’s like a normal period on steroids I guess. It makes functioning like a normal adult really difficult. I bleed a lot. And I have horrible pains even when I’m not on my period (like nowhere near where I’m supposed to start). I get massive headaches, and my back hurts so damn bad that I can’t even move. I don’t understand what’s wrong with me. And I’ve told my gynecologist all of this but she just tells me to continue taking birth control to fix everything...I’ve been doing that since like 15. I’m 18 now. It obviously doesn’t help considering she’s put me on like 4 different birth controls now. My family also has a history of ovarian cysts and other various problems. They all wound up having hysterectomies and my mother had adenomyoisis.