37 weeks having panic attacks

I am currently 37 weeks pregnant. My family recently went through a serious life change where my husband lost his job. We now rely on my paycheck which allows us to basically live "hands to mouth". During his time at home I realized that he was seeing someone. I know losing a job is hard and so I tried not to be nagging about it but be supportive of how he must feel knowing how men are when things like these happen. Long and short to this story is he started placing all his time and energy into this other person. I confronted him and told him that he had to make a choice, me or her. He didn't want to say "her" so he said he was choosing himself. I said fine, as soon as could afford it I was going to move out as I could not deal with his disrespect.  Now a days he comes home from a little gig he picked up, he showers and leaves. When he gets home at 2 & 3 am he spends the time in the couch. It hurts me to my soul because I have given everything to this man and I don't understand how or why he would want to hurt me this way. Believe me when I tell you i have been nothing but supportive.
Last night he slipped into his routine of leaving. The moment he stepped in the shower I felt like my bowels were turning and I went into a severe panic. I felt like I was going crazy. I can't sleep. My Braxton hicks contractions are on an all time high. I don't know how to rough this out until I can leave. He refuses to talk to anyone. I feel broken.