Dream About My Friends RANT (long but please read I need help)

In real life, I was stuck in the middle with two friends. My closest friend was telling me that one of my other friends was talking shit about me behind my back. I asked the shit-talker if it was true. She said no. I didn’t know who to believe.

In my dream, my closest friend told me that she lied so that I would go against the shit-talker. I ran to the bathroom crying and my crush followed me into the fucking girls bathroom (which isn’t allowed at my school) and comforted me. On the other hand, my friend just stood there in shock.

In real life, I told the two friends that were involved in this incident about the dream. The shit-talker didn’t really care. My closest friend was yelling like “OMG I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!” I believe my closest friend is telling the truth for a few reasons. 1.. My closest friend would never lie to me. 2.. My closest friend trusts me with everything and I trust her with everything. 3.. My the shit-talker has always been rude 4.. The shit-talker told me that I am looking for attention because I said I could have gotten better than a 93% on a test that she failed. I walked away when she said that and went to play football with some boys. I am in an air boot because I sprained my foot so we just threw the ball. I didn’t talk to the shit-talker for the rest of today. I don’t know what is going to happen at school tomorrow. The shit-talker is in my homeroom and my math class (the class we had the test). I have been dealing with a lot of shit in my life that she doesn’t know about. She comes to school acting like a petty bitch towards me because her parents won’t let her take a different math class. She is acting like a bitch towards me. I have been dealing with some shit way worst than I can explain. I don’t go to school ruining everybody’s day. I am actually nice to my friends unlike this shit-talking bitch. Btw the shit-talking bitch wanted to kill herself a few weeks ago because her crush doesn’t like her back. Mind you, she hasn’t said one word to him all year. I have talked to my crush no problem. When she wanted to kill herself, I was the one who talked her out of it. I was he one who supported her. When I scratched my wrist (didn’t bleed), she didn’t care. She couldn’t fucking care less. I’m just pissed off with this bull shit.

Sorry this was so long. Please comment what I should do