Feeling sad

My husband and I have been ttc for 14 months. We finally agreed it was time to go talk to a doctor. So I took the risk and called to make an appointment. When I got there I explained to the nurse what was going on. He told me they would for sure start doing some tests. Well I let myself get excited then my doctor told me they won't do any form of testing until I am 21 and have been trying for 18 months or more. 
I then asked if they would test my husband since he is 24 and he told me no. They won't test him until I am done being tested. Which to me seems extremely pointless since his is one simple test and mine would be multiple. Seems easier to me to test him first and get that out of the way before going threw a million tests for me. 
So my husband is going to his doctor to see if they will test him at his request. 
I ended up sitting in my car in tears because I was so frustrated and upset. 
He also completely I ores the fact that I was worried about my period. I normally have extremely heavy and cloth periods with extreme cramping and throwing up from the pain. Well now all of a sudden I have no cramping light bleeding and no clots. He seemed to think because I am now having a normal period in fine. 
I'm sorry but I have had my period for 10 years and I know your period doesn't just change so drastically over night.