Vbac/Labor story with big baby?

Ok 16 months ago I have birth to my son via c section after being induced for 4 days then I was finally 10cm dilated and push for 3 hours but he was sunny side up and wouldn't come out so I had to have a c section. Btw I was 40weeks when I got induced he was born 40 weeks and 3 days at 6lbs and 14oz.

Anyways fast forward I am currently 33 and half weeks with my baby girl I just had a ultrasound 2 days ago and she is already estimated at 5lbs and 4oz. My doctor and ultrasound tech both said she will be about 9lbs+ if I make to or past my due date. My question is will my doctor still let me do a vbac with a big baby? Have you ever had a successful vbac with a big baby? Can I hear some of your vbac story ladies or just labor stories in general with big babies. Please and Thank you.