So I’m nine months pregnant. I am single and I used a sperm donor to conceive my child. My baby was conceived naturally. None of my family or friends know this because I didn’t think it was any of their business who the father of my child is. I kind of just told them I conceived with a guy I was casually dating but things didn’t work out between us. To start I’ll give a little history between the donor and I so you guys have a better understanding of the situation. I met him last year via a known donor website, everything was fine and he seemed really nice. The only issue is I feel that instead of being strictly my donor he became romantically interested in me. I don’t mind being cordial with him but I am not attracted to him in any way. He’s not my type, and despite me giving hints and even being clear about our relationship and how being romantically involved made me uncomfortable he still continued to try to become romantic with me. He would try to flirt, kiss me, or hold my hand, ask me on dates and even make inappropriate sexual comments at times. The only reason I agreed to conceive naturally is because I desperately wanted to become pregnant. We tried about four times before I became pregnant and he definitely enjoyed the baby making process way more than I did, throughout my pregnancy he would check in on me and I’ve updated him about the pregnancy and how the baby was doing. I have been avoiding seeing him since I became pregnant because of him wanting more out of our relationship. I really don’t want to have anything to do with him anymore now that the baby will be born soon. However he recently asked if he could be present for the birth of the baby. I don’t really feel comfortable with that given how he kind of creeps me out and I think it would be weird for my family to meet him at the birth for the first time and tbh I don’t want it to be known that I used a donor. What should I do?

EDIT: For those of you who asked, no I do not have an agreement for him to relinquish his rights, in the beginning he made it seem as if he would be okay with whatever I decided because he’s donated to people who he has no contact with after they became pregnant as well as having limited communication with some of the other donor recipients. I will admit that I didn’t go about this the best way and I didn’t think about the fact that I could be putting myself in a difficult situation, but I felt it was my only chance to have a child. Since posting, I let him know that I wasn’t comfortable with him being there and he didn’t respond. I will do another update if anything changes.