Please help

Ladies please help.I’ve been married to this man for 6 years we have a 5 year old boy and now I am 16 weeks pregnant. We’ve been separated 3 times because of having loads of problems with him and his family, then I moved to the UK to be with him and ever since I did he’s been treating me like garbage I’ve found him messaging other girls, and after I ask him about it he’ll call me names (really nasty names). He’s been married three times before me and they never worked out and he put it out like the women were the problem but after moving here I found out it was actually him cheating and treating them like crap.

I’m not allowed to have friends, I’m not allowed to go anywhere without him. I can only work at a place close to where we live so he can come check on me. He’d say things like I should not speak to his daughter otherwise I’ll teach her how to be a b***h. He won’t do anything around the house he leaves a whole mess for me and expects me to clean it.

So anyways just a months before I found out I was pregnant he beat me really badly, the neighbors had to call the police and police came took him away. He received a restraining order for a month, we didn’t speak or see each other but after 30 days were done he decided to come back in to my life and start being nice and buying me things and being stupid as I am I let him back in the house. Few weeks after he started his behavior again of treating me horrible, Apparently he works night shift 7 nights a week now his never home just comes home gets clothes and leaves. Then one Saturday night he said he was working he left at 4pm came back at 12 am saying he realized he didn’t have a shift and was smelling of sex real bad( basically took him 8 hours to realize he didn’t have a shift)🤔.

Then two weeks ago he said he was going out partying with his friends I told him please be back early as I have work tomorrow and you need to look after our 5 year old. He went and didn’t come back I had to take my son to work with me cause I had no choice. And this mans came home wasted at 3 in the afternoon the next day I didn’t ask him anything I just left it.

He doesn’t care I’m pregnant cause when I told him about it he said to get rid of it. So he’s not bothered.

I have no one here. His family don’t speak to me cause they don’t like me very much . My family is back home. I’m mentally physically and emotionally tired.

I need advice please ladies. I was waiting to give birth and just leave and go back home because I feel lonely and terrible 😞

I am 23 and he is 33. I feel like if I do leave I will be alone for rest of my life cause I’ll have two kids with me